Thursday, April 8, 2010

Episode 11: “Happily Ever After”


My feelings about this episode are mixed: On the one hand, it was exciting, complex, and rather neat; but on the other hand, it made no more advancements in the essential Lost questions that I so want answered. With only 5 installments left (6 hours, since the last episode will be two hours), I’m not completely sure they will handily tie up the major questions. I hope it ends well enough, at least.

Connection Between The Two Alternate Worlds / What the Bomb Actually Did

This episode began the writers’ attempt to make a real connection between the two alternate worlds. I guess I don’t care too much about this – at least not as much as knowing what the Island, who Jacob is, why they are on the Island, and questions like these. I suspect that the writers decided that through episodes such as “Ab Aeterno” (the one with Richard’s back story), they have answered enough of the bigger Lost questions so far; now they’re on to trying to explain exactly what went on when the bomb exploded – what exactly is the connection between the two alternate worlds.

They don’t even really answer these questions, though. All three – Desmond, Charlie, and Daniel – seem to have visions of their lives on the Island. However, these visions didn’t really occur in their worlds. Somehow this world isn’t a real complete world; somehow the splitting of reality that happened at the end of “Season 5” created a world that should not be.

So what are they driving at? Since Charlie sees Claire when he almost dies (I think it’s Claire), is the real world the afterlife of this alternate world? That wouldn’t make too much practical sense. So what? Please, readers, send in your thoughts to this question as comments

Desmond’s Purpose

Desmond miraculously survived the electromagnetic explosion in Hatch, somewhere back in “Season 3” or “4.” This makes him a wanted man, at least in the eyes of Widmore. The real question here is “For what does Widmore want to use Desmond?” What does Widmore plan on detonating – a bomb or the electromagnetic power locked in the Island itself? – and what does he plan on destroying? If we hypothesize that Widmore is good (and I sort of think this), then perhaps he is planning on blowing up The Nemesis/Un-Locke. I like this idea.

The Island?

Something Widmore said early in the episode made me recall how the show has shifted gears since the earlier seasons. Widmore said to Desmond, “The Island isn’t though with you,” or something to that extent. In earlier seasons, there was always an emphasis on the Island itself as a conscious entity. It had desires and wishes; it could make decisions. True, it wasn’t human, but there was something conscious about it. Was it good or bad? That was never answered. When Jacob came into the picture, the idea of the Island as the supreme being faded; we became more concerned with what Jacob’s intentions and desires were – whether or not he was good or bad. But the question remains: Is the Island a conscious entity outside and apart from Jacob? Is it good, bad or neutral?

Final Episode

The final episode, a two hour finale, will air May 23; I don’t know the times. Note: This is a Sunday. We should get together and watch it live.

1 comment:

  1. From Mom:
    Hey Jonas,

    I like your posting--it's amazing to me that you can have ANY logical thoughts about the last season of Lost, imparticular concerning the last episode. It's rather confusing.

    Here's some of my thoughts. I am DEFINITELY a LOST fan. I've enjoyed watching it from the very beginning. However, as the seasons progressed, and the plot became more and more complex and involved, I wondered if they would EVER come up with a "satisfying" and "satisfactory" conclusion. Let me say this: I do hope that the writer's are not just fooling around with all the characters, details, sub plots... and that, in the end they will sloppily throw all of this together. I am looking forward to an ending that will answer most of our main questions. Do you think that will happen, Jonas?

    I'm in agreement with you--I want REAL answers about the Island, since that's what we were dealing with for so many seasons.

    In answer to your question, "Is the real world an afterlife to the alternate world"?, I don't think we have enough info to make a conclusion such as that. Everything is so confusing and complicated I would say that, if this were written in the late 60's or early 70's, the writers were on LSD or some other halicinating drug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's hope they're not, and that they give us an ending that is due all the faithful followers of Lost. After all, we've put many hours into this show, much thought, interest and pleasure. Let's have a good ending, "don't you think"? (to quote Fr. Burke, Little Flower).


    PS I think it's a great idea that we get together for the last 2 episodes on Sun., the 23rd! Dad and I are maybe going to the Hoffman's during the few days before that particular Sun. We will be home for Sun. and can definitely plan on watching it with all you fellow Lost followers and lovers. My thought is to maybe go to Ed and Daria's since they will have a new born and it would be the most difficult for them to get out and watch it else where. (Only if they think that's a good plan and that would serve them). Maybe we can each bring a "munchie", and make it a Lost party!
