Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Episode 3: “What Kate Does”


As I suspected, the craziness has slowed down a bit. This isn’t to say the episode was less confusing or more enlightening, but there weren’t a hundred things happening. I like this, simply so we are able to consciously reflect on the few major questions/points at hand.

Most of this episode was plot driven: In 2007, Kate is running from the law. In her escape, she treats Claire badly, and feels bad after she realizes Claire was pregnant. She helps Clare, almost gets caught, and then Clare helps her. In 2004, Sawyer runs away, Kate follows him, Jin is almost re-caught by the “Temple-people,” but Claire – savage looking, reminiscent of Rousseau – shoots his captors. However, the real questions of this episode are explored in the Temple area, with Sayid, Jack, Lennon, and Dogen.

What Has Happened to Sayid? (And are the Temple people good/bad/neutral?)

Is Sayid’s body a conduit for Jacob? I think not. But what is going on with it? Are Dogen and Lennon correct and/or truthful in their assessment of his impending death/haunting? I think those last two questions are separate: a) Are these Temple people good or bad? Are they working for Jacob, Un-Locke, or neither? Their “freaking out” when they heard Jacob was dead made them seem to be good. b) Are they correct in their assessment of Sayid? (And why the torture as a form of diagnosis? My guess is that this one won’t be exactly answered; it’s a classic one of Lost’s lost questions.) I’m suspicious of their diagnosis since I think the writers intended to make Claire appear savage yet good at the end of the episode, reminding the show’s audience of Danielle. This would make the Temple-People’s assessment incorrect, but not necessarily bad.

This last question about the Temple-People is my only “issue/beef” with the season so far, which I really like. In trying to be crazy and confusing, the writers are beginning to blur the line once again between good and evil. Are we supposed to trust the Temple-People, or not? I understand that “unknowns” are cool, but here’s the problem with one like this: it undoes Jack’s situation. Should Jack have given the pill to Sayid? Should he have pretended to? Should he have taken the pill, like he did? In all honesty, as a blind audience, we don’t know – and therefore, we don’t really care because, well, we can’t really care without a little knowledge, right?

Cool Things!

The Temple leader is named Dogen. Well, Dogen is a famous Zen Buddhist, who wrote a book called Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma. Dharma? Pretty cool. Here’s the Wikipedia page:

Final Observations/Questions

At least some of the “Temple-People” seem to be late-Others. The kid who got shot by Claire was angry at Kate for hitting her with the butt of a rifle long ago; and I think this was when she was in the cages, along with Sawyer. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong.) Also, this kid’s fellow-guard mentioned that they shouldn’t kill Jin in case “he’s one of them.” We don’t know who these “them” are yet.

My guess is that the next few episodes are going to follow a specific character in 2007, and then attempt to connect the 2007 storyline to it. In this episode, we followed Kate; and they tried to connect this to 2007 by having Kate say that she really left the Temple in order to find Claire, to whom she feels an obligation.

I want to see Un-Locke and/or Jacob again soon.

PS: Vote on the new poll! Last week’s poll was won by “Sawyer.”


  1. I feel like the blog helps me to make some sense of the episodes!

    The whole Temple-People thing is confusing and I find comfort in our old characters. The Temple-People do bring up lots of questions, as Pete wrote.

    I also can't figure out if Kate likes Sawyer or Jack! But I REALLY like Sawyer's faithfulness to Juliet, and not just going back to Kate automatically.

    And what was with Ethan being the doctor treating Clare? How would he have been in that hospital, and not on the island, even if the plane didn't crash????????

  2. Quick answer to Daria's last question... In the alternate world in 2004, the bomb went off, so the island is either gone, destroyed, or just not the same as before. So, I don't think there would be a Dharma. That's the same reason Desmond can be on the plane in this world, since there would be no hatch and no button to push every 108 minutes. I hope that makes sense!

  3. I had a quick question about Claire..Pete you said they made her look savage yet good? How did they make her appear good at the same time? But i'm sure that question will be answered in the upcoming episode tonight.

    And like Daria, I really like Sawyer's loyalty to Juliet. I thought that was one of the saddest parts ever of the whole show so far in which Sawyer goes back to the barracks. Basically Sawyers the best =]

    Also like Daria said, Kate still appears to express a "player" type of personality regarding Sawyer and Jack..

    Cant wait for tonight's episode!

  4. First, I won't be able to see the episode until Thursday probably; so no one give it away; and I'll blog about it as soon as I can!

    And Clare, I thought they made Claire (note the different spelling) look savage and good like Rousseau: like she's been living in the wilderness and dirty, but still essentially a "good" person. Does that make sense? However, if we're going with the "Christian is the nemesis too" theory, and we remember that Claire was with Christian, then perhaps she actually is bad. (By the way, I'll flush out that last theory in next week's blog.)

    Enjoy this week's episode!
