Monday, March 29, 2010

Episode 8: “Recon”


This will be a short post, not only because it was a less engaging and thought-provoking episode, but because I feel the need to get to the latest episode. All in all, this episode was on the weaker side, especially since it is surrounded by incredible episodes. There was less of a compelling story, and a real lack of answering any of the major Lost questions. I guess next week’s episode makes up for it.

2004 Flashsideways

Although this begins with a bang – Sawyer not being a conman, but a cop – it fizzled. I thought perhaps Sawyer’s parents would still be alive, but this isn’t the case. I do like how Miles is his assistant, and how he runs down Kate.

Un-Locke’s Group

The Island has become more and more polarized, with Un-Locke recruiting and the rest of the “Jacob group” gathering on the Beach. For now, Jin has joined Un-Locke. Claire’s attempt to murder Kate, Sayid’s dispassionate observance of this, and Claire’s later admittance of guilt all lead us to see the evil effects of Un-Locke. We really don’t learn much more than this, other than the minor, but interesting, tidbit that Un-Locke had a crazy mother.

Sawyer’s Individuality

Sawyer seems to be working for Un-Locke. But he confesses to Kate that he is working for neither Un-Locke nor Widmore. He tells both sides partial truths, so they believe he is on their side. But Sawyer’s real hope is to have the two sides fight, and in the confusion to get away in the sub. Classic Sawyer.

3 Groups?

The only question I leave us with is this: How does Widmore fit into all of this? Widmore was once part of the Others, which is a Jacob-based group. But he was kicked out, and seems to be working completely on his own. This sets up what seems to be a triple battle: Un-Locke vs. the Jacob-group, and Un-Locke vs. Widmore. Anyone with other thoughts?

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