Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Episode 6: "Sundown"


What an episode! I thought it was the best so far. It had cool action scenes; crazy stuff happened, but the majority made sense; it continued to drill in some of the same ideas this season has been progressing, without dropping them to the side, or contradicting them.

2004 Flashsideways

This was definitely the most action-packed flashsideways. Sayid is still a torturer, but it is his brother and not he who marries the Nadia. He is trying to “be a good person,” and so doesn’t want to commit adultery or murder – although he is “forced” to do the latter. We get our classic “coincidental run-ins” with other Lost characters, like Jack in the hospital and Jin in the freezer.

Last thing about this alternate world: Are they going to try and connect everyone’s stories in this alternate world together? And then are they going to connect that to our original time-line? I don’t know how possible all this is... But I guess they need to; a lot of this season would be pointless without it all connecting.

Sayid and His “Evilness”

I guess Sayid is turning evil. It’s hard to say if this is the case because he is “infected” or simply because he’s begun to “serve” Un-Locke. Either way, he seems to be on the wrong side of the line right now. Will he come back to the “good” side? I can see it playing out either way.


I wasn’t a huge fan of Dogen, so I can’t say I’m very upset he’s gone; but he did have some cool moves. If we take his word, he truly seems to be on Jacob’s side; so I guess they cleared that up. What was his exact purpose on the Island? That we don’t know.

Further Clarification of the Overall Picture

I think they confirmed a lot of things they’ve been alluding to throughout this season: a) Un-Locke/Nemesis had been trapped on the Island; b) Jacob was key to keeping Un-Locke trapped; c) Un-Locke has more freedom now – more now that Dogan is dead (So was Dogen a candidate-type person? Was he a Jacob replacement, for the short time?); c) the Temple-People were on Jacob’s side; d) Un-Locke is recruiting.

Un-Locke as Satan

Un-Locke more and more comes across as a blatant Satan-character. This episode, he played the Tempter with Sayid. And when the smoke monster flew above Kate, there looked to be, and sounded to be, demons in the smoke. That final scene with Un-Locke amidst his carnage only reinforces his blatant evilness. People follow and believe him, for he is the father of lies.

Differences between Un-Locke and Jacob

Last week, I pointed out the difference in Jacob’s and Un-Locke’s demeanors: Jacob’s confidence and Un-Locke’s anger. In this episode, they both make similar promises to people; but I see a distinct and important difference. Jacob promised to heal Dogen’s boy, which implies the boy was still alive. Therefore, Jacob is presented as a “healer” character. On the other hand, Un-Locke has basically promised to bring Nadia back to life, presenting himself more as an “occult-like” character. If you think about it, Un-Locke has been connected to “bringing people back to life” throughout the show, but not in any sort of “resurrection” way. He takes over dead people’s bodies. If I were Sayid, I wouldn’t be so sure of the Nadia that may return… This all makes sense if Un-Locke, in the Greek mythology sort of way, is god of the dead.

(I think that Jacob will return, but in the resurrection sort of way.)

Un-Locke’s Goal?

So what is Un-Locke’s goal? Why is he gathering a tribe? As a few people have said in the show, he desires the death of every living thing on the island. If this is true – and I’m inclined to believe it – then he must need a group of people to “do something for him.”


Anyone else miss the constant presence of Ben? I’m nearly positive he will be the focus of the next episode, by the way.

Although only two of us voted (and no one commented!), I will reveal the winners of last week’s polls: 100% of us believed that both Jacob and the Nemesis “summoned” the crew to the island; and 50% thought Sayid was going to turn evil (good going, Clare!) and 50% thought there “was a different answer."

Vote on this week's poll!


  1. (This is Mom's response from 2 blogs ago.)

    Wow, I can't believe that this is my first comment on this blog, and here we are in the final season, 5th episode, which I have not watched yet!

    Being that I am trying to absorb 5 seasons in 8 months, I must say, I am a bit overwhelmed with facts, ideas and questions, characters...but really enjoying the thought process.
    Thanks, Pete, for setting up the blog, and for everyone's comments. Keep them coming. It keeps me thinking.
    I will only blog a few unrelated ideas here. They'll be more to follow from me.

    It seems that the poll that followed episode 1 is closed. However, here are my votes--yes there is more than 1 favorite of mine. Sawyer gets a big vote from me for his maturing, changing and faithfulness to Juliet. I love when characters change through life experiences, and for the better. Sawyer has done that.
    Perhaps Jack is not a favorite for many of you--but he does get one of my "favorite" votes. (I know that I am making up my own rules about this poll, but, what the heck, this is a Lost blog!) I've always admired the fact that his decision making was generally never selfish, usually for what he believed was "the better of the whole", and even though difficult, he followed through. I don't always agree with his decisions, but I think his ideals are admirable.

    Moving ahead, I think that Jacob has taken over Sahid's body. (I love Sahid, too). However, this idea seems like such an obvious thought, so will the Lost writers allow us this easy and logical deduction to be true? Probably not, but that's what I think for now.

    And a comment about Jacob. We tend to think that he is good. However, in some of the short scenes that I have observed him in, he appears almost "sinister looking". That throws my thinking a bit, but, that's "Lost" for you!
    That's all for now--more to follow.

